No money to put petrol already la! Continued..
I was just browsing the web and came across our very own Patrick Teoh's blog. He made an extremely good point that i neglected to mention yesterday. It too, highlights how full of $h!t our government is.
Here's a quote from his blog:
And another thing is this. Can somebody please tell me why our government always seems to choose this way of telling about price hikes. It's not like "Hey people we can't subsidise anymore la. Sorry ah. So please be prepared for a major increase in prices of (this and that) which will take place in 6 months from today." Clear, transparent. Understood. Right? Wrong. That's not the way.
"No there will be no increase. Well, maybe there will be la but we will inform you in plenty of time. We don't want to burden the people la."
"No definitely no increase."
"No there will definitely be an increase. Soon."
"Maybe there will be an increase. Later this year la"
And then.......BOOM!!! Surprise! Surprise! The increase is effective NOW! Caught ya! I can almost hear the laughter from the cabinet room!
It wasn't until i read this that it made me realize, "yea man! WTF!!" This also goes to prove my earlier assumption that the person who signed off on the bill didn't even bother to read the document he was signing!
Hit the linky for the full post: Linky
My first proper fill-up since the price hike and I was flabbergasted as I had to pay RM160 for a full tank. Now, I shift at 2.5k rpm and move along at a top speed of 60km/h. I wonder if that will help at all
nfurby: Haha...i only lasted 2 days :p
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